The peak of the Hill Country peach season has finally arrived, although nearly 3 weeks behind the normal schedule. Growers are harvesting many great freestone varieties like Red Globe, Majestic, Loring, Ruston Red, Dixiland, and more. The average fruit size is a little smaller than normal, but the flavor is excellent with very high sugar levels due to dry conditions! Local field-grown tomatoes, watermelons, cantaloupes, squash, okra, and other vegetables are also available. Please, check with individual stands for availability and hours.
Map #13
830-644-2604 | 800-694-2772 | peaches@burgscorner.com
15194 Highway 290 East, Stonewall, TX 78671
Hours: Open 7 days a week, 9 am - 5 pm
Burg's Corner offers farm-fresh peaches, local seasonal fruits & vegetables, and sweet ice cream with three generations of growers. The retail room houses over 100 different products from cold peach cider, preserves, canned fruits & vegetables, and many more gourmet products!
Harvester is in now. We expect Fire Prince & Bounty in the next week followed by Red Globe. Dixieland should be in around the first week of August. 1/2 bushel quantities are more available now thru July & August.
Map #7
4579 US Highway 290 East
Hours: Wednesday, August 10, Friday, August 12 & Saturday, August 13
Peaches, jam, jelly, homemade ice cream
Map #5
2150 US Highway 87 South
Hours: Open daily 8 am - 6 pm unless sold out early.
Currently picking cling and semi-cling peaches
Fredericksburg peaches (since 1936), plums, & tomatoes, fresh daily.
We are not a pick-your-own orchard.
Map #10
830-990-5064 (Orchard) | 830-997-3292 (Home)
9885 US Highway 290 East
Hours: Open 8 am to 7 pm, please call for days open.
Map #2
3722 State Highway 16 South
Hours: Closed for the season
We invite you to visit our "down the highway" neighbor, Harvest Hills Farms, 12918 State Highway 16 South.
Map #3
Map #4
1406 US Highway 87 South
Hours: Weekdays, 10 am to 5 pm & Weekends, 9 am to 6 pm
Growing peaches since 1928, Das Peach Haus offers farm-fresh produce, as well as Fredericksburg-made jams, jellies, and sauces to pair with Hill Country wines.
Map #12
14329 US Highway 290 East
Hours: Open Thursday - Monday (Closed some Thursdays) 9 am - 5 pm
Peaches, plums, seasonal produce, homemade peach ice cream, pies, cobblers & preserves. Retail & wholesale.
Map #1
12918 State Highway 16 South
Harvest Hill is a family-run farm that grows and sells quality fruits and vegetables. Come experience the Farm to Table freshness!
Map #8
830-997-8422 | fbgpeachinfo@gmail.com
8381 US Highway 290 East
Hours: Visit our website for up-to-date hours
Retail, Wholesale, or "Pick Your Own" Peaches, Strawberries, Blackberries, Pumpkins, and Christmas Trees. Ice cream, canned items, and other fruits/vegetables.
Map #6
1607 East Main Street
Hours: Retail open 9 am - 6 pm & Wholesale 24/7
David White - Wholesale. Lydell White - Retail. Established 1973. New kitchen serving ice cream, cobbler, and bread.
Map #9
9405 US Highway 290 East
Hours: Call or check our Facebook for our opening hours and crop updates.
Peaches, plums, blackberries, & vegetables.
Map #11
830-644-2404 | info@vogelorchard.com
12862 US Highway 290 East
Hours: Open 9 am - 4 pm. Check Facebook for more details or subscribe to email.
Three generations of the Vogel family provide local peaches, pumpkins, plums, blackberries, tomatoes, other fruits and vegetables, jellies, preserves, ice cream, cobbler, and much more.
Map #14
15369 US Highway 290 East
Wahl's Peaches is a family-owned and operated orchard. Our peaches are organically grown with no pesticides or chemical fertilizers used.